#VisualAbstract: Adjuvant nivolumab may be promising for treatment of completely resected Merkel cell carcinoma
1. Disease-free survival at 24 months was 84% in the nivolumab group compared to 73% in the observation group. 2. ...
1. Disease-free survival at 24 months was 84% in the nivolumab group compared to 73% in the observation group. 2. ...
1. The current randomized controlled trial is the first of its kind to demonstrate the efficacy of maggot debridement therapy ...
1. Disease-free survival at 24 months was 84% in the nivolumab group compared to 73% in the observation group. 2. ...
1. Anxiety and depression were more prevalent among individuals with eczema or psoriasis, and those with these inflammatory conditions were ...
Fluctuations in Serum Creatinine Levels During Hospitalization and Long-Term End-Stage Kidney Disease and Mortality 1. Despite returning to a normal ...
1. In this case series, ruxolitinib was associated with improved inflammatory markers in patients with disabling pansclerotic morphea (DPM). 2. ...
1. Spironolactone showed more effective improvement in acne at 12 and 24 weeks after treatment initiation as compared with the ...
Topical Esmolol Hydrochloride as a Novel Treatment Modality for Diabetic Foot Ulcers A Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial 1. Patients ...
1. In this retrospective cohort study, cutaneous melanomas with a classification of T1b-T4 but without clinical evidence of metastatic disease (N0M0) ...
1. In this randomized controlled trial, oral dersimelagon resulted in significantly increased time to first symptoms among patients with erythropoietic ...
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© 2021 2 Minute Medicine, Inc. - Physician-written medical news.