Maggot debridement therapy effective for full-thickness burn treatment
1. The current randomized controlled trial is the first of its kind to demonstrate the efficacy of maggot debridement therapy ...
1. The current randomized controlled trial is the first of its kind to demonstrate the efficacy of maggot debridement therapy ...
1. In this randomized controlled trial, the elective NaV1.8 inhibitor VX-548 reduced acute pain over 48 hours following abdominoplasty and ...
1. In a large Taiwanese cohort, it was found that patients with hyperlipidemia had higher risk of developing stenosing tenosynovitis, ...
1. Breast reconstruction patients had an observed survival advantage over controls after adjusting for age, tumor size, lymph node status and ...
1. Furlow, double-opposing Z-plasty produced better outcomes than traditional straight-line, intravelar veloplasty closure in both isolated cleft palate and unilateral ...
1. Porcine acellular dermal matrices had low major complication rates following implant-based breast reconstructive surgery. 2. Complications rates between porcine ...
1. Patients with partial facial paralysis experienced marked improvement in facial function after receiving surgery to bridge their facial nerve ...
Image: PD 1. The masseteric nerve bisects the subzygomatic triangle and is an important donor nerve for facial reanimation procedures. ...
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© 2021 2 Minute Medicine, Inc. - Physician-written medical news.