Patients with anxiety and/or depression may not experience more emergency room visits following bariatric surgery
1. In this retrospective cohort study, patients with a history of depression, anxiety, or both did not have a significant ...
1. In this retrospective cohort study, patients with a history of depression, anxiety, or both did not have a significant ...
Antidepressants are effective in patients with comorbid depression and medical diseases 1. This umbrella systematic review and meta-analysis found that ...
1. Increased collaboration between emergency medical services (EMS) and primary care physicians could decrease frequency of unnecessary transportation to the ...
1. Of children with baseline high emergency department (ED) use, defined as ≥4 ED visits in one year, only 16% ...
1. By integrating Dutch primary care physician cooperatives with emergency departments, overall emergency department use has been reduced by 22%. ...
1. First-time parents receiving home visits from nurses and trained educators regarding infant health were less likely to take their ...
1. The number of trampoline park injuries (TPIs) increased significantly from 581 in 2010 to 6932 in 2014. 2. Compared ...
1. From an observational study, revisits to emergency departments (ED) were higher than previously reported when considering presentations to institutions ...
1. This systematic review showed increased mortality in frequent emergency department (ED) users compared to non-frequent users. 2. While it ...
1. In acute migraine, prochlorperazine administration was associated with fewer emergency department (ED) return visits when compared to treatment with ...
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© 2021 2 Minute Medicine, Inc. - Physician-written medical news.