Wellness Check: Exercise
Physical activity following a deep vein thrombosis reduces the severity of post-thrombotic syndrome 1. This systematic review found that early ...
Physical activity following a deep vein thrombosis reduces the severity of post-thrombotic syndrome 1. This systematic review found that early ...
1. Studies reported moderate to large effects of high intensity multimodal training (HIMT) on aerobic fitness and subjective responses (such ...
1. This study found intrinsic factors that were significantly associated with injury included: more running experience, being classified as a ...
1. This study demonstrated an inverse dose-response association between cardiorespiratory fitness with all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality. 2. Per ...
1. Among children in elementary school, an internet-based intervention for teachers significantly improved cardiorespiratory fitness with sustained effect for 24 ...
Image: PD 1. Compared to age alone, cardiorespiratory fitness is a superior prognosticator of post-surgical mortality and length of stay ...
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