Proton pump inhibitor use associated with increased mortality risk in kidney transplant patients
1. PPI use may be associated with an increased mortality risk in patients who have received kidney transplants. Evidence Rating ...
1. PPI use may be associated with an increased mortality risk in patients who have received kidney transplants. Evidence Rating ...
The association between use of proton-pump inhibitors and excess mortality after kidney transplantation: A cohort study 1. PPI use may ...
1. Amongst two prospective cohorts, use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) was associated with a 20 – 50% higher ...
1. Compared to placebo, treating patients with omeprazole bolus and infusion prior to endoscopy significantly reduces the need for endoscopic ...
1. Patients on continuous proton pump inhibitor (PPI) had an increased risk of recurrence of their Clostridium difficile infection. 2. ...
1. Bleeding ulcers in the stomach and duodenum that are deemed high risk for rebleeding are defined by three endoscopically ...
Image: PD 1. Histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) were associated with lower risk of developing a secondary gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage, pneumonia, ...
Feb 22nd - Magnetic sphincter augmentation was effective in reducing esophageal acid exposure and improved quality of life in gastric ...
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